Renewal Periods for Trainings
Two (2) years from last certification
- Youth Protection
- Safe Swim Defense
- Safety Afloat
- Chain Saw Safety
- Climb on Safely
- Trek Safely
- Hazardous Weather Training
Three (3) years from last certification
- Trainers EDGE
- Paddle Craft Safety
- Swimming and Water Rescue
Five (5) years from last certification
- National Camp School Certifications
There are several Outdoor Leader Training courses that are required for a unit (Pack/Troop/Crew/Team) to complete to safely camp with youth. Offering these training courses requires a lot of man power and time, Cornhusker Council offers these training courses at least twice a year. Gaylene and I can not find certification expiration dates for: Introduction to Outdoor Skills, Webelos Outdoor Leader Training and BALOO training. While these certifications may not expire, it is a good idea to take these again if it has been several years. The syllabus changes, as well as, the sharing of ideas between leaders will allow you to enhance the program for the youth. It is also a fun time to camp with adults and meet other leaders in the Council.
Please contact the Council Service Center if you have questions about when your training certifications expire. The Council Service Center can also help you with your registration ID number for the on-line training courses. Your registration ID number can also be found on your membership ID card.