Cub Scouts
Cub Scouts is a year-round program for boys and girls 5-10 years old or those in kindergarten – 5th grades.
Family involvement is an essential part of Cub Scouts, and parents are strongly encouraged to play an active role in the program. This family and community-centered approach to learning results in time well spent.
The Purposes of Cub Scouting
- Positively influences character development and encourages spiritual growth
- Helps youth develop habits and attitudes of good citizenship
- Encourages good sportsmanship and pride in growing strong in mind and body
- Improves understanding within the family
- Strengthens kids ability to get along with other youth and respect other people
- Fosters a sense of personal achievement, by helping kids develop new interests and skills
- Shows youth how to be helpful and do ones best
- Provides fun and exciting new things to do
2024 Cub Scout Rallies
2024 Ada Cub Scout Recruitment Video
Outdoor Adventures for Cub Scouts – Camping (Overnight) Events
Monster Mash- 2 sessions in October
Other Cub Camps/Events
Summer Cub Scout Twilight Camp
Designed for our Cub Scouts going into 1st through 5th grade this camp experience is just for them! Some camps offer programming for youth going into Kindergarten. Typically held during June or July starting around 4 PM- 8 PM, the Arbuckle Area Council districts offer Cub Scouts camps that are jam-packed with activities for every age (including siblings). Cub Scout Twilight camp offers the opportunity to work on advancements and to have fun doing the things Cub Scouts love to do like shooting BB guns and archery! This is a great way to finish the program year on a high-note and, for those newly recruited spring Cub Scouts to experience a highlight of the year.